Five Ways to Find True North

Imagine coming into a yoga studio that smells of freshly burning incense, where the lights are dim, and the mood is blissful.  For a moment, you’ve calmed the voices in your head preventing you from going to class, and you’re ready to begin. The setting is perfect for calming your monkey-mind and for reconnecting with your body. Yet, a few minutes pass, and your mind says differently; those voices start creeping back into your consciousness, urging you to remain in your comfort zone, avoiding any discomfort or challenge. And, as usual, the struggle between mind and body begins, and you fall into your “default” practice, your comfort zone.

Many yogis experience “default” practice at times, where, for example, transitions between poses are the same as always, when the full expression of a pose never quite reaches the edge, and when it’s easier to quit than to stay in a pose when it becomes too much of a challenge.

You often hear the teacher say for you to find Tadasana in each pose, whether you’re currently in mountain pose, or in crow, or in handstand. Tadasana is True North in essence. With your feet forward, your shoulders back, your belly pulled in, and your head forward, you are essentially in true anatomical position; your body is perfectly aligned. Think of anatomy class, the anatomical models, both skeletal and muscular, are always represented the same way, true anatomical position, Tadasana, or True North. Our bodies are made for maintaining this position in all that we do on or off the yoga mat. Any default practice can be shifted with focus on True North.

Ways to find True North in your Practice can be subtle, but transforming. Consider these small changes the next time you come to your mat, when those voices are telling you not to go for the challenge:

1-     Notice those voices in your head, but let them go; they do not serve you in your practice.

2-     Observe and Listen to your body in each pose. Your expression of twisted triangle, for example, is your own expression, yet could you focus on grounding your feet into your mat, rather than focusing on your brain saying, “you can’t do this?"

3-    Observe and Listen for the alignment of the pose. Are your feet at 12 o’clock? Are you grounding down through all four corners of your feet? If not, do it! It will take your mind off those voices telling you, “no!" So, what if you’re in handstand? Ground down through your hands, lift the pit of your belly, and flex your feet, like you’re going to push to the stars above you. Your focus on True North Alignment will curb the voices in your brain saying, “Come down, won’t you?"

4-     Observe and Listen for possibilities in the pose. If you can pull the pit of your belly in during Mountain Pose, do the same in triangle or half-moon. Once you embrace the full expression of the pose, your edge, you are up to bigger and better things.

5-     Observe and Listen for what’s missing and find access to the tools that will help you right here, right now in the pose. Could you sink a little lower in Chair Pose? Could you mesh your fingertips and palms with the earth while flying in crow?




10 Subtle Transformations from Yoga that Make a Big Impact

Many yogis share a similar story, the same drive that brings you coming back to your mat. It’s the desire for change, transformation, and discovery. And while that may happen in huge exciting ways — like conquering that handstand you always wanted to do — it also sneaks up on you in little ways.  Here are 10 subtle ways in which yoga transforms your life and how they can be bigger than you imagined. 

1. You don't feel so concerned about how you look, and feel a newfound appreciation for your quirks and curves.

2. You become more aware of how much you complain, and make a natural effort to be kinder and more patient. 

3. You find you can take deeper, fuller breaths, and feel the calming effect almost immediately. 

4. You don't get as grossed out by sweaty people or touching feet with your neighbor because you do it all the time at the yoga studio!

5. You start seeing that annoying person at work as less annoying and capable of feelings just like you. 

6. You find that when you're eating for your body, you're naturally eating healthier. No diet needed. 

7. You're considering doing things you've never thought possible before, like teaching a class or quitting the job you hate. 

8. You start approaching family drama in a much more tactful way and find your relationships growing closer. 

9. You start noticing the unhealthy cycles in your life and you're moved to try and break them. 

10. You start taking your yoga everywhere. 


If you are ready to start making BIG changes even in all the little ways, drop in to Warrior One, .

Kale Yeah! Quinoa Salad


Spring is here, which means warmer days and time to detox from the winter months! Kale is high in antioxidants and nutrient-rich, keeping you energized and feeling amazing! This tangy, delicious recipe only takes a few minutes to prep, and it's great to keep in the fridge and meal prep.


  • 1 cup quinoa (red quinoa pictured but any is delicious)
  • 1 bunch of kale
  • 1 apple, finely chopped
  • 1 yellow pepper, finely chopped
  • Dried cranberries 
  • Pumpkin or sunflower seeds optional (not pictured)
  • 3 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • Lemon juice of 1 lemon

Craft Your Salad!

Rinse quinoa and boil with 2 cups of water until liquid is absorbed and quinoa is fluffy. Finely chop kale, apple, and yellow pepper and mix with dried cranberries and seeds. Let boiled quinoa cool completely, then add to kale mixture and mix thoroughly.

Dress it up!

Combine mustard, apple cider vinegar, white wine vinegar, maple syrup, sea salt, and lemon juice in a separate dish. Mix thoroughly and add to salad. In a covered bowl, mix salad for best result.

Fuel up and enjoy!


Insightful Yoga: The 5 States of the Mind and What To Do About Them

Yoga is the cessation of the movements of the mind. Then there is abiding in the Seer’s own form.
— Patañjali, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The mind is constantly fluctuating as your emotions ebb and flow with the patterns of your life. The practice of yoga aims not to end that fluctuation, but to allow you to reach a state of balance where even the highest of highs and lowest of lows can be approached with a clear awareness, focus and intention. However you have reached your moment of awakening, it has likely created within you a longing to learn more, experience more, and grow more. To navigate the stages of the mind, you must first recognize them and DROP what you know to make SPACE for honest personal inquiry. Pantajali defined 5 states of mind in his yoga sutra that can guide you in recognizing your mental state and how to grow with it.

  1. Wandering (Ksipta)

This is described as the “lowest state of mind.” In this state you may feel agitated, unable to fully comprehend your thoughts, experiences, and communication with others. You may hear the term “monkey-mind” to characterize this uncomfortable state in which you may find yourself stuck in unhealthy cycles that bring continuous pain into your life.

What to do:

Recognize your destructive patterns and make an honest effort to change them. This can be a physical cycle, like unhealthy eating habits or lack of exercise. Or it can be personal and emotional. For example, how does your self-talk benefit or harm you? It can involve our communication with others. Do you find that your relationships tend to follow a similar pattern? What role do you play in that sequence and how can you improve it?

2. Dull (Mudha)

You are now aware that change is in the air, but still lack real focus and awareness. You may find yourself forgetful, unable to communicate as your true self, and only able to focus on material concerns or the day-to-day hustle without awareness of life’s subtle nuances.

What to do:

In this state you may still find it challenging to drop what you know and refocus your attention on what’s really important. Especially when faced with difficult times or new adjustments in life, remind yourself of your purpose, your intention, and your true self — especially in those moments where you feel like the last thing you have time for is meditation and yoga. You will find that staying aware of your spiritual self, even amid the mayhem, will allow you to move through life’s changes with a newfound ease.

3. Restless (Vikspita)

As you begin to reach a higher awareness, you may experience a sense of restlessness as your mind alternates between moments of clearness and distraction. This confusion may make you indecisive and not entirely in control of your actions, but at least able to notice and contemplate the subtleties of life.

What to do:

This is a time to focus on meditation, your tool for staying still and focused while combatting the monkey-mind. In meditation, you enjoy brief periods of peace and clarity that are hard to hold on to. A regular meditation practice will make you better able to grasp those moments and make them a way of life.

4. Focused (Ekagra)

Now the mind is both relaxed and aware. The internal chatter subsides and the potential of the mind becomes clear. As you find it easier to focus, you lose the restlessness, confusion, and agitation because you can now concentrate on one subject with an open, honest heart and without successive distracting thoughts.

What to do:

The journey isn’t over, yogi. Use your new one-pointed state to trickle through your daily life. Sense things with more than your five senses and allow your ego to subside as you now have control over your thoughts, actions, and desires.

5. Arrested (Niruddha)

You are now able to hold one single successive thought in mind. Complete stillness is the ultimate enlightenment, and the quieting of thoughts is achieved entirely, allowing you to glide through life without a reaction to its fluctuations.

What to do:

Continue your yoga practice. Continue to constantly analyze your mental state and your connection to the universe. Continue making progress in your yogic pursuits and looking for new ways to grow and develop.  

Warrior Recipe: Cucumber Noodle Mediterranean Salad (Vegan)

Enlighten your taste buds with this nutrient-rich Cucumber Noodle Mediterranean Salad (Vegan). Easy to make and perfect for meal prepping! 

Salad Ingredients:

2 medium cucumbers

handful of spinach

1 red onion

½ cup crumbled feta cheese

½ cup tabbouleh

handful of roma tomatoes

½ cup Kalamata olives (optional. Not pictured)

hummus (optional. Not pictured)


 Dressing Ingredients:

4 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

½ freshly squeezed lemon

1 teaspoon dried oregano

½ teaspoon dried parsley

½ teaspoon Dijon mustard

salt and pepper



Combine dressing ingredients and whisk together in small bowl. In separate large bowl, layer bottom with spinach leaves. Spiralize cucumbers using a vegetable spiralizer (I suggest this one) and pat dry with paper towel. Add on top of spinach. Slice red onions and add to salad along with feta cheese, tabbouleh, tomatoes, olives and hummus. Add dressing or save on side for a pack-lunch. Enjoy! 

Creating Vision for Your New Year

As 2016 comes to a close and we welcome a year of new possibilities, you may find yourself already setting resolutions for the New Year. These aspirations can take many forms, from finding a new job to eating healthier or communicating better with your family. Yet, statistics show over 80% of New Years’ resolutions fail within the first few months. Unfortunately, this is because most of them arise from the desires of the ego and from the misguided thought that who you are this year is not good enough. Instead of setting empty resolutions based on future outcomes, set heartfelt intentions that keep you in the present moment and help you achieve a greater VISION for your year.  

The key to approaching 2017 is to realize that you’re already who you need to be! Your New Year’s vision involves systematically breaking down the obstacles that hold you back from realizing your true self. Start by setting healthy intentions from a place of honesty and self-reflection. Trust in yourself and your intuition to guide you through your personal journey. Ask yourself:

How am I feeling right now? Do I want to reinforce this feeling or change it?

How can my vision encompass the physical, mental and emotional aspects of my life?

What is directing my vision? Is it aligned with who I really am?

How will accomplishing my vision affect those around me? 

What needs to happen in the new year for me to move forward with my vision?

Now that you have a vision, set your intentions and create goals. What’s the difference? Your goals are your step-by-step instructions to realizing your intentions. This can be as simple as setting the intention to do a handstand but beginning with the goal to master crow pose.

Just as you set an intention at the beginning of class, your New Year’s intention should focus on revealing who you ARE not stating who you want to be. For example, rather than saying “I want to lose weight” or “I want to eat healthier,” try “I am healthy” and then set attainable goals to fulfill that intention. All along your vision is in the back of your head, guiding you to live moment-by-moment aligned with its truth. In this example, your encompassing vision may be “I love my body” and though it may be broad, it is focused. Watch as your goals and intentions evolve to fulfill your true vision, not just for the year, but for your life. 

Whether you already started working on your long-term vision or are just setting one for the new year, at Warrior ONE we’re focused on uplifting and inspiring you as you live up to your BEST self. 

5 Tips for Getting Back on the Mat After a Setback

Maybe you moved away from your familiar yoga community or perhaps you’ve suffered an injury or have been dealing with personal issues that have gotten you out of your flow. It’s funny that the times you need yoga the most are usually the times that you resist it so vehemently. Neglecting your practice can create a seemingly endless cycle of self-aggression, including feeling guilty for falling behind yet continuing to fall behind because you feel guilty. Although getting back on the wagon doesn’t come easily, it can be done in a self-loving, wholehearted way that will leave you feeling even stronger than you were before. In fact, it’s in those lowest moments that you will find your true strength and cross major milestones in your yoga journey. Here are 5 tips for re-aligning your life and getting back into your practice.


What does it really mean to surrender, especially in a society that highlights not surrendering or “never giving up?” The very last Niyama of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is Isvara pranidhana, translated to mean “surrender to a Supreme Being or higher self.” This can take multiple forms, including surrendering your excuses for why you got off the mat in the first place. Forget the reasons you stopped and your regrets for doing so, for they will just continue to fuel the flame of negativity. Instead, change your story from “I haven’t done yoga in weeks” to “Today I accomplished ____.”


Chances are if you have fallen out of your yoga routine that others around you have too, and it can feel good to know that you are not alone. In fact, even devoted yogis who have been practicing for decades experience momentary setbacks and need encouragement to get moving again. Confide in a fellow yogi (or even a non-yogi) who will be uplifting and inspiring. As is the case when you’re going through any personal problems, it always feels good to talk it out and that person can hold you accountable for getting back on your grind.


Have you ever come back to the mat after not practicing for a while and found yourself feeling out of shape or unable to do advanced poses that you once could? Don’t beat yourself up about it! Self-deprecating talk will only distract you from your goals and dig your hole deeper. Instead, create new goals that work for you in the stage you are in right NOW. Take it easy at first and gradually increase your practice in the way your body calls for, not your ego. If you’re going to Warrior One, try starting with a Yin/Restorative/Slow Deep Stretch class, then Cool Flow, How Power, and in no time Hot Power CORE!


You can spend your entire life growing in your personal journey and discovering the various elements of yoga. If you’re feeling bored with your current practice, try changing it up. Visit a new studio or try a style of yoga you’ve never done before. Have you ever tried a bikram class? How about aerial yoga or an outdoor community yoga event? If you’ve never developed a home practice this can be a great time to reevaluate how you incorporate yoga in your life, even by starting with just a few sun salutations in the morning from the comfort of your bedroom.


You’ve probably figured out by now that yoga is about so much more than perfecting your asanas. Pantajali’s Niyama of Svadhyaya encourages us to engage in self-study, to reflect and grow, and to read illumined works. Get back on your grind my getting back into a yoga state of mind! Find time to write about your personal journey or to express yourself creatively in the way you do best, whether that’s music, art, or just being out in nature. Read books that enlighten you, even if they’re not yoga-related. Nourish your body with foods that will support your healthy practice. And finally, direct your energy towards helping others instead of harping on negative self-talk. There are plenty of ways to get involved in your yoga community, whether it’s at your studio or teaching a friend how to do yoga for the first time.

Warrior One strives to create an enriching and supportive environment so that you feel welcome to visit us at any stage of your practice, whether you’re just getting back on the mat or it’s your first time ever trying yoga. Together, we can move past any minor setbacks, STEP UP, SHINE OUT and truly transform our lives!    


We Are One! Join Warrior Danielle Cosgrove tomorrow at Lake Eola @ 6:30PM!

UnitedSTATE is a community initiative held in collaboration with all three of our Orlando locations: the Mall at Millenia, Winter Park and the Orlando Premium Outlets.

This is a celebration of people; no matter where you come from or what your point-of-vew is, we are stronger together.

Through an exciting yoga practice and guided meditation we will bring our community together, spark meaningful conversation, and inspire people to build stronger relationships.

This celebration will be held at Lake Eola Park in Downtown Orlando on Tuesday, October 25th from 6:30-7:30pm. 

Please bring a yoga mat and an open heart. 

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of unity. That's a state we always want to be in.

Declare Your Interdependence!

Spin Trivia! Wednesday, October 12 @ 7:15PM with MELISSA DAVIS!

Hey y'all 🚴🏾 Join us for this fun event! 4 rounds of spin by Melissa Davis, 4 rounds of trivia by Isadore King!
PRIZES TOO! $25 gift cards to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place trivia winners. 

AND a special prize if you show up for all 3 spin trivia events through the end of 2016...October, November, and December!

Join the fun! Sign up online to reserve your bike!

Hurricane Update...BE SAFE!

UPDATE: BECAUSE SCHOOL IS CANCELED THURSDAY AND FRIDAY...we are canceling only 8:45pm Thursday and 5am and 6am Friday. If we need to add to this, we will keep you posted

We do have our Schedule on FB... did you know? :) Link below will take you right to it.

ALL class changes on every schedule are posted in REAL TIME and anything you see on the schedule via facebook, the website, or Mindbody's website, or APP, is accurate! <3…/app/383706851708306/